School History

The International Bible Correspondence School is a means of sending the Good News of Jesus the Messiah into all the world.

The idea for the school was developed by missionaries living in Finland. The experience of preparing and distributing courses and Bible literature in Finland, Sweden and Russia made us believe it could be done throughout the world. The school was established in Toronto, Canada, in 1968 to be a channel by which individual Christians in North America could teach English-speaking nationals in other lands.

The school was begun by placing ads in several national newspapers. By the end of the year 1,000 requests for courses were received. Beginning in January, 1969, 1,000 requests for courses were received monthly. Soon we were receiving 1,000 requests per week, the result of one individual telling another about our lessons. Hundreds of volunteers across North America were teaching the students. We could not keep up with the volume of students and locate new teachers for them from Toronto. About that time it became clear that the materials we were using, which were originally prepared for use in North America, were inadequate. Therefore, we began writing our own courses.

In 1973, the World Bible School was established in the USA as a separate organization. They accepted the overflow of requests for courses. This enabled us to devote more time in developing new studies for students who do not have English as their first language and who live outside of North America. Today we instruct about 5,000 students from Toronto, Canada, grading an average of 13,000 test questions a month.

This ministry has been the means by which the Lord has opened up new areas for teachers in many countries such as: Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, and Nigeria in West Africa. Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda in East Africa. The Islands of Madagascar, Mauritius and Caribbean. Malaysia in Asia. Guyana in South America.

The courses that we send are studies in specific books of the Bible.After the introductory study, The Book of Books, the students begin with a study of the life of the Messiah in the Books of Luke, Mark, Matthew and John. Next are studies in books of First John and Romans followed by The Book of Acts. There are also studies in the Book of Ephesians, Hebrews, James and Bible Geography. Our courses conclude with a survey of the Old Testament.

There have been many that have come to faith, surrendered their life to God but found themselves all alone after their baptism. To help overcome this loneliness we urge the students to invite others to study with them.

We provide the students with tools for Bible study. We have prepared a brief Bible Dictionary. It explains some difficult English words, and words that have changed meaning over the years. The devotional studies provide encouragement, inspiration and practical suggestions for spiritual growth.

“The person who would move the world must reach for the pen.”
(Martin Luther)