abuse -
To improperly treat or use. To hurt by treating wrongly.
Allah -
The Arabic name for God.
ancestor -
One from whom a person is a descendant such as a great-grandparent.
ancient -
Very old.
apostle -
“One sent”; one sent on a special mission. The original 12 apostles were those sent out by the Messiah.
Arch of the Prophet -
An Arabic expression for a rainbow.
arrogance -
A state of showing great satisfaction with oneself; overbearing pride.
atonement -
The act of bringing those alienated (separated) together again. The means by which sins are taken away; the way sinners are brought back to God. According to the Holy Injil, the sinless Messiah sacrificed his life for us. He took our place and died for our sins so that we could be united with God.
bankrupt -
To be without money or resources to pay debts.
Bedouin -
One who lives and travels in the desert.
Beelzebub -
Another name for Satan.
bitter, bitterness -
Unpleasant to accept; distasteful. Feeling or showing active hatred.
bookkeeping -
The art or practice of keeping financial records.
brilliant -
Very bright; shining.
canary -
A small bird originally native in the Canary Islands, having yellow feathers; popular as a cage bird for its song.
centennial -
The marking or celebration of 100 years.
chicks -
The young of owls, birds, chickens and poultry.
condemn -
To show guilt; convict.
conform -
To be or act in accordance; to show or identify with; to resemble.
Corinthians, Books of -
Two letters written to believers in the city of Corinth. They are found in the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
cover-up -
Concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public.
Cross -
The Qur'an states that the Jews did not crucify Jesus. Only the Romans had the authority to crucify Jesus and they did.
crumble -
To fall apart. To cause to break into tiny pieces.
cunning -
To be clever; skillful; sly.
David -
(Arabic, Dawud). The most famous king of Israel.
dawned -
To begin to understand; to realize.
Dawud -
The Arabic name for King David.
debit -
An item of debt recorded in an account. The opposite of credit.
depart -
To go away; leave.
despair, desperate -
Feeling almost hopeless.
destroy -
To make ineffective or useless; to put an end to.
Deuteronomy, Book of -
One of the five books of Moses which is called the Torah by Jews and Tawrat by Muslims; part of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
disappoint -
To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope or desire of a person.
divine -
That which belongs to God. Also, a quality or characteristic of God.
drawn -
May mean "to be pulled".
earthly -
Where the main focus is on material things rather than spiritual matters.
El-Khrati -
An Arabic phrase meaning "he who is out of the road."
El-Melja -
An Arabic word for a place of refuge.
empathize -
Feeling deep sorrow for another’s condition.
endure -
To stand firm against; to bear up under hardship.
envy -
A bad feeling because of another person's success or good fortune. A desire to possess the goods of another.
Er Rashid -
Arabic phrase meaning "he who is rightly directed."
evaporate -
To remove moisture; to convert into vapor. To vanish or disappear.
excuse -
To accept or overlook an action as being pardonable or justifiable.
exert -
To put forth or put into action, as strength, force or influence.
exhaust -
To make very tired; wear out completely.
Exodus, Book of -
One of the five books of Moses which is called the Torah by Jews and Tawrat by Muslims; part of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
Ezekiel -
One of the Old Testament books in the Holy Bible.
figurative word -
Not literal; it is used to picture or describe someone or something.
flatter, flattery -
To overly praise, usually without being sincere. To try to gain favour by praising.
forgive -
A Greek word meaning to liberate; to release from bondage.
fox -
The Arctic fox has a white coat for winter which changes to shades of brown for the summer.
Galatians, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
galley slave -
A galley was a ship whose source of power was oars pulled by slaves.
grievance -
A feeling of being wronged; resentment.
grudge -
A very bad feeling toward someone; always remembering the wrong someone had done.
guardian -
One who guards or watches. One who is legally to care for a person or property of another.
Hajj -
An Arabic word for a pilgrimage. A journey made to a shrine or sacred place.
harsh -
Rough. Very unpleasant to the senses.
hate, hatred -
To have a strong feeling of not liking someone or something.
Hebrews, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
hibernate -
To spend the winter in an inactive state. A type of sleep.
holiness -
A condition of being separated from the practice of sin for God. Being set apart while yet living a normal life. A condition of living in the world without being controlled by earthly values.
Holy Spirit -
The Spirit of God. The one through whom God communicates His truth and power to people. The Holy Spirit is not an angel.
imitate -
To behave or attempt to behave in the same way as; follow the example of.
immortality -
Unending existence; eternal life; living forever.
inadequate -
Adequate means suitable, satisfactory, acceptable. The prefix "in" give negative meaning to words.
inheritance -
The property or belongings which children are to receive when their parents die.
Injil (Evangel) -
The Arabic term for the Book of Jesus, the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
Inuit (Eskimo) -
Dwell in the Arctic coastal regions of Greenland, North America, Siberia.
Isa -
The Arabic word for Jesus.
Isaiah, Book of -
One of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
Islam -
An Arabic word meaning "surrender" or "submit."
jealous -
Fear that someone else will receive what you feel should be yours alone.
Jeremiah, Book of -
One of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
Job, Book of -
One of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
John, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
justification -
That which justifies. A legal term for the change in the human relationship with God.
justified -
Made right with God; to be reconciled with God; to show to be just, right or reasonable; to declare guiltless.
lament -
To feel or express deep sorrow, grief or regret. To cry out or mourn.
loom -
A machine on which thread or yarn is woven into fabric. Weaving.
machete -
A large knife used for hunting.
mansion -
A very large house of a wealthy person or family.
Mark, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
Matthew, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
Messiah -
The Hebrew word meaning "the anointed one of God." He was anointed to be the Saviour of mankind. The Greek word for Messiah is "Christ."
misery -
Extreme sorrow or emotional pain; extreme unhappiness.
mortal -
Of this earth; human. That which dies.
New Testament -
(Arabic, Injil Muqaddas). A Christian term for the 27 books which begin with the life of Jesus the Messiah, the history of the first followers of Jesus and letters to His followers.
OK, okay -
All Right. To approve; agree.
Old Testament -
A Christian term for the first 39 books of the Holy Bible.
parole -
The conditional release of a prisoner; conditional freedom.
participate -
To take part or have a share in common with others.
perch -
A branch or pole on which birds rest.
perish -
To destroy; decay. To pass from existence.
perjury -
The willful and voluntary giving of false testimony or the withholding of material facts or evidence while under oath.
personification -
To speak of an object as having human qualities.
persuade -
To convince someone to do something.
pilgrimage -
(Arabic, Hajj). A journey made to a shrine or sacred place.
plough -
The same as the American word "plow."
preening -
Preen is to comb and to arrange feathers with the beak; to dress oneself carefully.
pride -
An undue sense of one's own superiority.
principles -
Moral standards; a law or rule for personal conduct.
Prophet -
One who proclaimed the will of God.
Psalms, Book of -
(Arabic Zabur). One of the Old Testament writings in the Holy Bible.
putting down -
To speak without respect; to insult.
Qazi -
An Arabic word for judge.
Ram -
A male sheep. The horn is used as a musical instrument.
ransom -
To secure the release of a person or property for a required price, as from captivity; to set free on payment for a debt.
reconcile -
To bring back to friendship after being separated by a disagreement; to bring into harmony. To settle differences in a broken relationship. People broke their relationship with God by sinning. Human sinfulness cannot exist with the holiness of God.
redeem, Redeemer, redemption -
- To release, give freedom from bondage; the payment of a price by a redeemer.
- Everyone who sins is in bondage, a slave to sin. Jesus the Messiah paid the price to free those enslaved to sin.
regret -
To look back upon with a feeling of loss and sadness.
reject -
To refuse to accept.
repentance -
A change in heart and a change in behaviour.
resent, resentment -
To continue to feel anger because of an injury or insult.
restitution -
The act of restoring something that has been taken away or lost. Making things right personally or legally.
revenge -
To give punishment or injury in response to some injury or wrong; to harm an enemy.
revive -
To bring back to life; to restore.
ridicule -
To laugh at; to make fun of; to try to humiliate; to mock.
righteousness -
A union with God in character. A right relationship between God and people.
Romans, Book of -
One of the New Testament writings in the Holy Bible; part of the Injil.
sanctification -
A condition of being separated from the practice of sin for God. Being set apart while yet living a normal life. A condition of living in the world without being controlled by earthly values.
sash -
From "shash", an Arabic word for a band of fine material worn twisted around the head as a turban. A cloth band or scarf worn as a girdle around the waist or over the shoulder as part of a uniform.
Satan -
(Arabic, Shaytan). An evil spirit. He is also called "the ruler of evil," "the father of lies" and the devil.
Saviour -
One who saves or rescues. God saves people from sin. A person is saved for service to God.
scarcely -
Only just; barely. Not quite; hardly
scold -
To find fault using harsh words; to strongly criticize. Abuse or punish with words.
scurvy -
A disease caused by lack of vitamin C in the diet. A sign of the illness is swollen and bleeding gums.
sentence -
In law it is the penalty placed upon a convicted person.
Sheikh -
An Arabic word for an elder, head of an Arab tribe or family. A word of honour and respect.
Shi’ah -
The second largest Muslim sect.
snatch -
To pluck, grab or pull out.
steadfast, stedfast -
Firmly fixed in faith or devotion to duty; faithful; unchanging.
Sunni -
The largest Muslim sect.
tabernacle -
The portable place of worship for the children of Israel in the wilderness.
Taliban -
A political-religious group.
Tawrat, Taurat -
The Arabic word for the books of Moses. These are the first five books in the Holy Bible.
tension -
A mental strain; a strain in relationships.
Torah -
The Hebrew word for the books of Moses. These are the first five books in the Holy Bible.
tragedy -
A very sad or deadly event; a disaster.
transfigure -
A change in the outward form or appearance.
transform -
To change form or nature. To give a different form or appearance.
trauma -
An injury, shock.
unique -
One of a kind; nothing else just like it.
vixen -
A female fox.
waiver, waver -
As a wave. To be uncertain. To move from one way and the another.
will -
An English word with many meanings such as to choose, decide or wish.
will and life -
The will (spirit, heart, mind) affected by thoughts and feelings, is the internal source of character. The life is the external, the visible demonstration of character.
with child -
Pregnant. A woman expecting a baby.
withstand -
To resist successfully. To oppose with any force.
Word of God -
God, as is His word, is the eternal source of light and life. This message comes through the words of Scripture and especially through Jesus, the Word.
Zabur -
The Arabic word for the book of the Psalms of David (Arabic, Dawud) in the Holy Bible.